Reshape a data frame from wide form to long form using the variable names

wideToLong(data, within = "within", sep = "_", split = TRUE)



The data frame.


Name to give to the long-form within-subject factor(s)


Separator string used in wide-form variable names


Should multiple within-subject factors be split into multiple variables?


A data frame containing the reshaped data


The wideToLong function is the companion function to longToWide. The data argument is a "wide form" data frame, in which each row corresponds to a single experimental unit (e.g., a single subject). The output is a "long form" data frame, in which each row corresponds to a single observation.

The wideToLong function relies on the variable names to determine how the data should be reshaped. The naming scheme for these variables places the name of the measured variable first, followed by the levels of the within-subjects variable(s), separated by the separator string sep (default is _) The separator string cannot appear anywhere else in the variable names: variables without the separator string are assumed to be between-subject variables.

If the experiment measured the accuracy of participants at some task at two different points in time, then the wide form data frame would contain variables of the form accuracy_t1 and accuracy_t2. After reshaping, the long form data frame would contain one measured variable called accuracy, and a within-subjects factor with levels t1 and t2. The name of the within-subjects factor is the within argument.

The function supports experimental designs with multiple within-subjects factors and multi-variable observations. For example, suppose each experimental subject is tested in two conditions (cond1 and cond2), on each of two days (day1 and day2), yielding an experimental design in which four observations are made for each subject. For each such observation, we record the mean response time MRT for and proportion of correct responses PC for the participant. The variable names needed for a design such as this one would be MRT_cond1_day1, MRT_cond1_day2, PC_cond1_day1, etc. The within argument should be a vector of names for the within-subject factors: in this case, within = c("condition","day").

By default, if there are multiple within-subject factors implied by the existence of multiple separators, the output will keep these as distinct variables in the long form data frame (split=FALSE). If split=TRUE, the within-subject factors will be collapsed into a single variable.

See also


# Outcome measure is mean response time (MRT), measured in two conditions
# with 4 participants. All participants participate in both conditions.

wide <- data.frame( accuracy_t1 = c( .15,.50,.78,.55 ),  # accuracy at time point 1
                    accuracy_t2 = c( .55,.32,.99,.60 ),  # accuracy at time point 2
                    id = 1:4 )                           # id variable

# convert to long form
wideToLong( wide, "time" )
#>   id time accuracy
#> 1  1   t1     0.15
#> 2  2   t1     0.50
#> 3  3   t1     0.78
#> 4  4   t1     0.55
#> 5  1   t2     0.55
#> 6  2   t2     0.32
#> 7  3   t2     0.99
#> 8  4   t2     0.60

# A more complex design with multiple within-subject factors. Again, we have only
# four participants, but now we have two different outcome measures, mean response
# time (MRT) and the proportion of correct responses (PC). Additionally, we have two
# different repeated measures variables. As before, we have the experimental condition
# (cond1, cond2), but this time each participant does both conditions on two different
# days (day1, day2). Finally, we have multiple between-subject variables too, namely
# id and gender.

wide2 <- data.frame( id = 1:4,
                     gender = factor( c("male","male","female","female") ),
                     MRT_cond1_day1 = c( 415,500,478,550 ),
                     MRT_cond2_day1 = c( 455,532,499,602 ),
                     MRT_cond1_day2 = c( 400,490,468,502 ),
                     MRT_cond2_day2 = c( 450,518,474,588 ),
                     PC_cond1_day1 = c( 79,83,91,75 ),
                     PC_cond2_day1 = c( 82,86,90,78 ),
                     PC_cond1_day2 = c( 88,92,98,89 ),
                     PC_cond2_day2 = c( 93,97,100,95 ) )

# conversion to long form:
wideToLong( wide2 )
#>    id gender MRT  PC within1 within2
#> 1   1   male 415  79   cond1    day1
#> 2   2   male 500  83   cond1    day1
#> 3   3 female 478  91   cond1    day1
#> 4   4 female 550  75   cond1    day1
#> 5   1   male 455  82   cond2    day1
#> 6   2   male 532  86   cond2    day1
#> 7   3 female 499  90   cond2    day1
#> 8   4 female 602  78   cond2    day1
#> 9   1   male 400  88   cond1    day2
#> 10  2   male 490  92   cond1    day2
#> 11  3 female 468  98   cond1    day2
#> 12  4 female 502  89   cond1    day2
#> 13  1   male 450  93   cond2    day2
#> 14  2   male 518  97   cond2    day2
#> 15  3 female 474 100   cond2    day2
#> 16  4 female 588  95   cond2    day2
wideToLong( wide2, within = c("condition","day") )
#>    id gender MRT  PC condition  day
#> 1   1   male 415  79     cond1 day1
#> 2   2   male 500  83     cond1 day1
#> 3   3 female 478  91     cond1 day1
#> 4   4 female 550  75     cond1 day1
#> 5   1   male 455  82     cond2 day1
#> 6   2   male 532  86     cond2 day1
#> 7   3 female 499  90     cond2 day1
#> 8   4 female 602  78     cond2 day1
#> 9   1   male 400  88     cond1 day2
#> 10  2   male 490  92     cond1 day2
#> 11  3 female 468  98     cond1 day2
#> 12  4 female 502  89     cond1 day2
#> 13  1   male 450  93     cond2 day2
#> 14  2   male 518  97     cond2 day2
#> 15  3 female 474 100     cond2 day2
#> 16  4 female 588  95     cond2 day2

# treat "condition x day" as a single repeated measures variable:
wideToLong( wide2, split = FALSE)
#>    id gender     within MRT  PC
#> 1   1   male cond1_day1 415  79
#> 2   2   male cond1_day1 500  83
#> 3   3 female cond1_day1 478  91
#> 4   4 female cond1_day1 550  75
#> 5   1   male cond2_day1 455  82
#> 6   2   male cond2_day1 532  86
#> 7   3 female cond2_day1 499  90
#> 8   4 female cond2_day1 602  78
#> 9   1   male cond1_day2 400  88
#> 10  2   male cond1_day2 490  92
#> 11  3 female cond1_day2 468  98
#> 12  4 female cond1_day2 502  89
#> 13  1   male cond2_day2 450  93
#> 14  2   male cond2_day2 518  97
#> 15  3 female cond2_day2 474 100
#> 16  4 female cond2_day2 588  95